You may be Kung Fu Panda but if you help me to have less suffering I will follow you.
You seem to have taken Tolle's statement out of wider context and left out all the rest: Tolle says that thinking is helpful when you plan, when you solve problems etc but when you think all the time you live your life in your head and it's not a peaceful place to be with 20 000 or 50 000 thoughts a day, most of them of repetitive, negative character. And the other thing is that you are missing out life events as they take place, you forget to enjoy all the things that you already have.
Tolle teaches to be more grounded in the present moment as do all the mindfulness based programmes.
If it wasn't for Tolle I would probably let negative thoughts use up some of my time now having read your piece. It will not happen however and I will let all this go as I click the button "respond".